Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre NAIDOC Week Celebrations - Community Recognition Statements

By Ryan Park MP - Member for Keira

13 August 2024

Mr RYAN PARK (Keira—Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health, and Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast)—Our community celebrated NAIDOC week at the Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre on 12 July, on the land of the Dharawal people. This year's theme of 'Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud', was celebrated by the community. With hundreds in attendance, musical performances and many local organisations providing stalls. The day was a massive success in bringing the community together to celebrate the enduring strength and vitality of our First Nations people. Amazing events like this provide the opportunity to celebrate and embrace culture and connectiveness. I would like to thank the Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre staff, Cath Daly, Jen Mitchelson, and Kay Walker, as well as the wonderful volunteers for their hard work in organising and running the event. This Centre has been providing the community with a place to meet, share and grow for over 40 years. Although I could not attend the celebrations on the day, members of my staff were blown away by the success of the event and were able to witness the community standing together and celebrate our First Nations people.