Chelsy Wayne 2024 World Athletics Under 20s Championships - Community Recognition Statements

By Ryan Park MP - Member for Keira

08 August 2024

Mr RYAN PARK (Keira—Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health, and Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast)—Today I would like to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of all members of the Keira electorate and community. We are lucky to live in a region that provides so many avenues and opportunities for individuals to showcase their talent, whether this be through sport, education, music, art or more. The talent in the Illawarra is unmatched. That's why I take great privilege in informing the house of one of the outstanding achievements of Illawarra Christian School attendee and Keira constituent, Chelsy Wayne, who has been selected to represent Australia at the upcoming 2024 World Athletics Under 20s Championships in Peru, which will take place from 27-31 August of this year. At just 16 years of age, Chelsy has been selected to represent Australia in the Discus Throw event. Chelsy has worked incredibly hard through countless hours of training to be selected as a part of the team that will represent Australia at the championships. From everyone here in this place, good luck Chelsy. No matter the outcome, I know you will do your family, friends, community and country proud. We cannot wait to see your future successes unfold.