MULTILINGUAL CHOIR – SOUTH SPOKEN - Community Recognition Statement

By Ryan Park MP - Member for Keira

06 June 2024

Keira constituent and composer, Dr Ekrem Eli Phoenix who specialises in voice, choral music, innovative sound technologies and ethnomusicology dreamed of bringing together a choir utilising various languages. His dream was realised through a workshop held by Wollongong City Council, which invited participants of all different backgrounds and who spoke a variety of languages to be a part of a unique choir opportunity. Dr Phoenix knowing that not everyone is comfortable singing, encouraged the participants to undertake various articulation challenges like tongue twisters, storytelling and counting in their language of choice. By putting these recordings together, they ended up creating something quite special. The participants described the experience as enjoyable, engaging, and highly rewarding. Support for the arts is crucial because it fosters creativity, cultural diversity, and social connection which enriches our communities. Dr Phoenix is hoping to form a multilingual speech choir next year, and I am excited for our community to have the opportunity to collaborate in this special way.