Northern Districts Cricket Club – Best Community Cricket Club - Community Recognition Statements

By Ryan Park MP - Member for Keira

07 August 2024

Mr RYAN PARK (Keira—Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health, and Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast)—I want to acknowledge how proud I am of the Northern Districts Butchers Club for winning Cricket Australia's Community Cricket Club of the Year Award. Their unwavering devotion and impactful initiatives have created a welcoming environment that fosters participation from all members of our community, particularly inspiring the younger generation. Through their supportive spirt and inclusive approach, they have paved the way for both senior male and female teams, nurturing talent, and passion alike. Moreover, the Butchers Club has not only promoted the sport of cricket but has also cultivated genuine connections and friendships among its members, fostering a love for the game and a shared enjoyment of physical activity. This club culture serves as a role model and displays the values of the Keira Community of opportunity, mateship, and inclusivity.